September 25, 2024
We are appealing now for the 2024 year. Please consider providing a contribution to MLAF. Donors like you have helped make this community what it is today along with protecting our environment.
In October we will begin our community grant campaign. Each year’s fundraising defines how much we able to grant to area organizations. We intend to continue funding community programs and environmental needs for those who qualify.
If you are interested in providing longer-term support, please consider the MLAF Endowment Fund that provides grant opportunities in perpetuity. As of 30 June, the Endowment Fund balance exceeded $215,000. Our long-term goal is to raise this endowed fund balance up to $1 million that will enable much greater support for the community.
With your support we can do so much Please make a contribution.
August 9, 2025
We need your help to allow MLAF to continue its success in providing community support. If you have a passion to support this community, please consider volunteering to help our organization. Most of our duties center around our grant campaign, fundraising by appeal letters or live fundraisers, and writing thank-yous. Please contact us if you would like additional information around this volunteer opportunity. You can leave a message on our website portal, www.mlafmn.org or by telephoning or texting one of us. Thank you!
Katie Nelson 218-349-7250
Gary Anderson 612-961-6774
Curtis Sparks 612-616-6438